As a libertarian, I’d like our government to be a lot smaller, but even I acknowledge that there are a number of essential government functions. One of the most important of these is the justice system.
That’s why it angers me so much that our justice system (at all levels) has drifted so far from the core mission of protecting us from people doing bad things. Instead, it seems we’re increasingly prosecuting people for fake crimes (such as resisting arrest or disorderly conduct), fictitious crimes (such as intent to distribute), dubious catch-all crimes (such and conspiracy or obstruction), victimless crimes (such as gambling or prostitution), and non-crimes (such as money laundering).
By now, even when the crime sounds legitimate, I still have my doubts. For example, Chicago model Rachel Jay links to a news article about a photographer she’s worked with who was later charged with child pornography:
During the investigation, it was discovered that a 17 year-old girl had lewd photos of herself of professional quality in her possession.
After the teen was interviewed, she was able to provide information which led to the sheriff’s detectives in executing a search warrant at Kozel’s home.
Detectives said during the search, they seized photographic equipment, computers, electronic storage devices and a commercial copier printer that Kozel is alleged to have used to produce child pornography.
So, nude pictures of a 17-year old girl? It’s technically child pornography, but it’s not what most of us think of when we hear the term. The girl is over the age of consent in this state, so it would have been legal for the photographer to have sex with her. And she kept the pictures, so I’m guessing this was a voluntary photo session. It was stupid, and it was a crime, but it’s not the reason we have such tough child pornography laws.
The investigation may well have turned up evidence of much worse crimes than I’m aware of, but these days I wouldn’t count on it. Law enforcement folks love to say they’ve caught one of those nasty child pornographers even when, really, they haven’t.
[Update: Rachel Jay stopped by in the comments to explain that at the time of this arrest, Kozel was out on bail for a previous 19-count arrest for possession of child pornography, something that wasn’t clear from the news articles I found.]
This leads me to something I’ve been meaning to post about for a while now. It’s my guess that—based on the raw numbers—the vast majority of sex crimes against children are committed by…children.
It’s long been the case that most “crimes” of statutory rape were committed by young men against their completely willing but slightly younger teenage girlfriends. Fortunately for an awful lot of people, police don’t spend a lot of effort to catch horny teenagers, rightly preferring to arrest older people who are genuinely exploiting children.
Still, with millions of teenagers having sex, a few of them are bound to get caught up and punished by the justice system beyond all reason. That probably explains a few of the young faces you can see at this disturbing post at Classical Liberal. (Hat tip: Radley)
The first image is a screen capture from the Idaho Sexual Offender Registry, showing someone with a recorded offense of LEWD COND W/MINOR CHLD U/16, which I think means lewd conduct with a minor child under the age of 16.
The offender himself is a 14-year-old boy.
It’s entirely possible, of course, that this boy is a creep who took advantage of a younger person. Maybe he even forced himself on his victim and plead out to lewd conduct. He could be 145 pounds of violent psychopath. As could all of the other 13 young boys pictured in that post. But I think it’s far more likely to be the unintended consequence (’cause God help us if our leaders intended to do this to our children) of a lot of stupid tough-on-crime laws.
These laws vary wildly. In some states the laws are crafted so poorly that a teenage couple can have sex legally until the older one hits a certain age, then the law expects them to stop until the younger one catches up to the age of consent. Other states have sensible romeo and juliet laws that don’t punish the older sex partner unless the age difference is fairly large. In still other states, a 15-year-old boy and his 14-year-old girlfriend can both be charged as sex offenders.
Thanks to the electronic revolution, the same sad state of affairs is affecting the crime of child pornography. Soon, if not already, the vast majority of child pornography will be created by children themselves. On the basis of raw image count, millions of children with cell-phone cameras can produce far more lewd photos of children than a few perverts ever could.
I’ve already written about poor Amber and Jeremy, a couple of teenagers who were convicted of taking pictures of themselves having sex. Judge James Wolf justified this stupidity by saying that “if these pictures are ultimately released, future damage may be done to these minors’ careers or personal lives.” Of course, now the future damage to their careers and personal lives will come from being labeled as sex offenders for the rest of their lives, which is far worse than a few embarassing pictures.
For a teenager, it’s really easy to run afoul of these laws just by taking a pictures of themselves. If they send these pictures to a boyfriend of girlfriend, they’re distributing child pornography, and the friend who received the picture is in possession of child pornography. Sounds silly, but as at least one teen has found out, that’s the law.
Nobody wants their children to be victims of a sex crime. But neither do we want them to be the victim of an out of control sex crimes prosecution.
I am not condoning sexual promiscuity and children, for that matter teens and adults as well, need to be protected from violent and sexually dangerous persons. But current and pending sex offender legislation and laws are producing insane legal outcomes in consensual sex and sexual activity cases historically left to parenting.
Parents, warn your children, teens and young adults!! What you may think is normal underage and developmental consensual sexual exploration and learning, which historically was left to parents to correct and teach is currently grounds for very serious felony sex offender convictions, registration as a sex offender for life as young as 14, and forced sex offender “treatment”!! And these cases, even when consensual between underage peers are relentlessly prosecuted despite insane judicial outcomes, ruined lives of innocent kids, teens and young adults, and ruined families of these innocent kids/teens/young adults.
Worse yet, Government sanctioned Sex Offender “Treatment” Programs, are barbaric and abusive!! These programs include the use of:
Plethysmographs – a metalized ring is strapped around a “male” juvenile’s genitals (there is no such devise for females) and they are forced to listen to/watch pornography including deviant sexual activity such as violent rape! This barbaric and abusive device and recordings are designed to measure any signs of arousal and the juvenile is then forced to try and masturbate afterwards.
Masturbatory Satiation – juvenile males as young as 12 are forced to masturbate over and over and over while listening to/viewing pornographic images/recordings, including deviant sexual activity such as violent rape.
Arousal Reconditioning – Originally developed in the early to mid-1900s to convert homosexuals to heterosexuals. Attempts to eliminate sexual feelings by pairing them with boredom, pain, or unpleasantness. In effect, assumes that sexuality can be changed through “punishment” such as electric shock therapy.
How many people, including kids as young as 14, will we allow to be prosecuted, incarcerated, subjected to barbaric and abusive treatment and then forced to register as Sex Offenders for the rest of their lives before we bring an end to this insanity?
I can’t vouch for any of that but…ick.
Mark, while sometimes I agree that the sex offender for life status is a bit extreme, I don’t think it is in Bob Kozel’s case.
You see, when he was arrested in the article I linked to my blog, he was out on bail and going thru court processes for 19 counts of possession of child porn. In fact, I have the DuPage County case number for that, courtesy of a friend of a friend.
It was not, however, in his bail agreement that he not photograph anyone, let alone minors or kids, so it appears he continued shooting. I got him removed from MM twice after his first arrest… though I have a feeling we don’t have to worry about him joining MM anymore.
This wasn’t a one-time-made-a-mistake-didn’t-check-ID’s kinda thing. He’s been at this for quite some time it appears, and very well deserves what he’s going to get.
I have a bunch more links and info on Bob, and plan on writing a lengthy blog about him at some point soon.
What an interesting article! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. Please check out a favorite blog of mine – Professor Leonard Birdsong, a law professor and Harvard Law grad, based out of Orlando, Florida.
i shot with robert bob kozel in march 09. i stayed in his home for 18 days…i heard know and saw things there that should not of happened. i was 23 then. after being there two weeks, i have two photographers that i saught refuge to because of his possesive behavior and his behavior towards me in general. i believe in a lot of ways he was a victim, but i also believe that that in bobs head, he honestly thought he was doing what he was doing out of pleasure for everyone, except, only did he realize with me, i did not like his behavior, what he was doing and saying. for Example. i know this seventeen year old girl. i net her twice. how could it be good that he convinced her to do girl on girl shoots with her two lesbian friends while i was in the computer room on model mayhem. even though they were only in bra and panties he was borderline. and also did you know he got her drunk to take those photos which i have personally seen. even the two lesbian friends came went over drank and got drunk. only Ome was of legal age. also did you know that all the pain killers he was on for his hip and leg he offered to them and they took. he offered them to me too. he was heavily into web can sex. he showed me several videos one in particular that he let a previous model do on his computer to a male model. and i was there when he had his court date and they post ponde it due to lack of evidence so he said. he tried many times to get of to let him take me to victoria secrets and to dinner but i declined each time. bob is the kind of man that will give and do for a woman as long as he thinks or is getting what he wants in return. i know that because he told of the story of his affair. a part of me believes he means good but the other part of me is finding that hard to believe when he knows right from wrong. i do hope he figures that out before it figures him if it has not already.