While people all over the blogosphere are arguing what to do about Islamofascism—the desire and attempt by some Muslims to force Islam on everybody else in the world by conquest or terror—I think Lindsay Beyerstein, who is skeptical about the threat (or even existance) of Islamofascism may have nevertheless hit on the perfect strategy to combat it:
The answer is not military conflict in Afghanistan. The answer is taking gender-based oppression into account in refuge claims. We could “rescue” every oppressed Afghan woman who wants asylum by simply opening our doors to all female refugees from Afghanistan, and any other regime that doesn’t afford full civil rights to women.
The message to patriarchal regimes: Keep this up, and we’ll take all your women and children. Heck, if you don’t knock off this tin-pot dictator shit, we’ll take all your scientists, all your engineers, all your doctors, and all your journalists–regardless of gender! Our gain, your loss.
Sounds like a plan to me.
Stephen Ambrose, in his last book, “To America,” wrote that the way to break radical Islam is by reaching the women.