To honor the passing of “Ed,” the anonymous editor of Blawg Review, several blawgers have banded together to assemble one last Blawg Review. The chain starts at Blawg Review and continues around through all the usual suspects.
I never got around to doing a Blawg Review — it always seemed like too much responsibility — but my co-blogger, Joel Rosenberg (also gone too soon) posted this one about four years ago.
“Ed” was a mysterious figure. Everyone knew him — he met with people all over the country — but apparently no one in the law blogging community knows his real name, or if they do, they’re not going to reveal it. When his son notified us all of his passing, he followed his father’s wishes and preserved his anonymity.
I met “Ed” once here in Chicago. I have a terrible memory for faces, so I’d be of no help identifying him, but I did manage to snap a picture. Perhaps this will help:
Anyway, to read the final roundup, start here at Blawg Review.
[…] finally, here’s a pic from Windy Pundit of a blawg meetup in Chicago many years ago. I’m the grinning doofus on the far left, and in […]