I generally find anti-gay bigotry disturbing, but sometimes it's also kind of amusing. I know that's wrong -- that gay people face real threats of discrimination and violence -- but some anti-gay nonsense just makes me want to point and yell, "I didn't know they still made people like you!" Which brings me to Rick Perry's culture-war campaign ad: Aside from the fact … [Read more...] about Boys Beware
Death to Pennies
Here's something I never thought about before: It's time to stop using pennies. Aside from its actual subject -- the uselessness of pennies -- this video is also worth watching because it's a terrific example of how to make an argument. It's clear, it's concise, and in four minutes and 31 seconds I went from not thinking about pennies to being completely convinced they … [Read more...] about Death to Pennies
A Less Sincere Form of Flattery
Over at Reason, they're boasting because Business Insider chose Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie for its list of the only pundits you need to pay attention to between now and the election. I'm happy for Matt and Nick, but I want to draw your attention to something else that caught my eye. Go ahead and follow either of those links and look at the picture that Business Insider used … [Read more...] about A Less Sincere Form of Flattery
Life at Conception
A few days ago, at the conservative Illinois Review, an unnamed author who I assume is editor Fran Eaton got excited about some basic science in a post titled "Biology Textbook Author Asserts Life Begins at Conception": When does life begin? At conception? When the fertilized egg begins to multiply cells? When the zygote embeds itself into its source of … [Read more...] about Life at Conception
Preventing Auto Accidents the Way the DEA Prevents Drug Diversion
Over 40,000 Americans die every year in traffic accidents. This is a terrible tragedy. But I have a simple plan that will completely prevent all 40,000 of these deaths. The key to my plan is to note that these 40,000 accidents are a result of 40,000 careless people driving cars. So all we have to do to eliminate these accidents is to make sure these 40,000 people aren't allowed … [Read more...] about Preventing Auto Accidents the Way the DEA Prevents Drug Diversion