A bunch of armed white guys have taken over a building in a wildlife refuge in Oregon, and liberal Twitter is going a little nuts because the media isn't calling it … [Read more...] about Does It Matter If the Oregon Standoff is Terrorism?
Illicit Transfer of Cookery
Who didn't see this coming?America has already started detaining and arresting people for the obviously suspicious act of moving a pressure cooker from one location to another.I feel safer already.IĀ supposeĀ the real question is when will we finally come to our senses and outlaw doing science in pressure cookers? … [Read more...] about Illicit Transfer of Cookery
What the Nobel Peace Prize Winner is Up To These Days
Andrew Napolitano describes it this way: The leader of the government regularly sits down with his senior generals and spies and advisers and reviews a list of the people they want him to authorize their agents to kill. They do this every Tuesday morning when the leader is in town. The leader once condemned any practice even close to this, but now relishes the killing because … [Read more...] about What the Nobel Peace Prize Winner is Up To These Days
Clowns Of the Left, Jokers Of the Right
Anders Behring Breivik's terrorist attacks in Norway are bringing out the idiots. For example, from the (more-or-less) right, there's Cheradenine Zakalwe at Islam Versus Europe in a post titled "Why the Left Shouldn't Gloat about Anders Breivik": Reading through Anders Behring Breivik's comments on the document.no website, it's clear that he was on the verge of giving up on … [Read more...] about Clowns Of the Left, Jokers Of the Right
Suspicious Activity Reporting, You Decide
John Farmer Jr., a dean at the Rutgers School of Law and former senior counsel for the 9/11 commission, has a New York Times op-ed promoting the Justice Department's new Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative, which basically encourages Americans to report each other to the government if they see anything suspicious. Farmer offers the following scary scenario … [Read more...] about Suspicious Activity Reporting, You Decide