I seem to have developed a talent for offending people at Reason magazine. I think I might have annoyed Radley Balko with this post from last year, and now I think I can add Nick Gillespie to the list.
In my previous post, I was a little peeved at Reason for not producing a better article for Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. After writing that post, I emailed both the authors of the offending piece, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch, to encourage them to explain why the piece turned out the way it did.
Much to my surprise, Nick Gillespie answered:
Now that my parents have been dead for over a decade, it is always a relief to know that I am still capable of seriously disappointing somebody!
Based on traffic volume and a desire to weed out gratuitously abusive comments (almost all of which revolved around Mohammed either fucking or getting fucked), we closed the comments to Matt’s and my blog posts introducing the contest–we continued that with this as well. Additionally, in what was probably an incorrect anticipation of server-crushing traffic (alas!), we decided to host our winners page on our backbone server, which is less prone to server squirrels shutting down.
Nick Gillespie
Editor in Chief
Reason.tv and Reason.com
Ah, Geez. That sounds right doesn’t it? And now that I think about it, I’ll bet that a lot of the drawings weren’t much better than the comments. I guess that makes sense.
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