Step one: Walk into any gun shop, and take a look at the empty spaces on the shelves where EBRs/Evil Black Rifles/Semiauto Assault Weapons/Scary-looking long guns used to be. Watch the remaining ones fly off the shelves, and people place backorders. Or just read reports by folks who have done just that. There’s plenty; here’s one.
Step two: browse over the the Joyce-funded “the gun guys” antigun website to see the latest reprint of an editorial by another Joyce-funded astroturf antigun group telling you that there’s no boom in gun sales going on in the wake of the Obamalection.
Step three: browse over the the Joyce-funded “the gun guys” antigun website to see the previous reprint of a remarakably similar editorial by yet another Joyce-funded astroturf antigun group telling you that there’s no boom in gun sales going on in the wake of the Obamalection.
Step three: decide for yourself — who are you going to believe? The Joyce Foundation, or your lying eyes?
Step four: Nothing to see; move along now.
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