Oh my.
According to the New York Times, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer has just been—as they say—“linked” to a prostitution ring…which I assume means he was fucking a bunch of hookers.
Normally, I wouldn’t care at all. I don’t normally give a damn care what consenting adults do with their time and money.
However, Elliot Spitzer does care what consenting adults do. As New York Attorney General, he prosecuted a couple of prostitution rings. He’s also gone on a number of grandstanding crusades, often stretching the interpretation of New York law to prosecute people for business practices that had been considered legal for decades. He’s also threatened to go after people who criticize him. Even by politician standards, he’s kind of a scumbag.
So I’m torn. I don’t believe hiring prostitutes makes him a bad guy, but I don’t like him, but the reasons I don’t like him aren’t illegal, but hiring prostitutes is. So I’d like to see him take a big hit for this. But I’ll feel guilty for enjoying it.
Update: And I feel really guilty for mentioning that according to court files, Client-9 (the FBI code for Spitzer in the affidavit) was described by the Emperors Club booker as someone who “would ask you to do things that, like, you might not think were safe…” I gotta admit, I’m hoping for embarassing details. Let’s just say I’m kind of hoping to see Elliot Spitzer’s name in the same sentence with words like “scat”, “golden shower,” and “she-male.”
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