I don’t really understand sports much. Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass writes:
Please don’t take it out on this team, and please don’t take it out on quarterback Rex Grossman.
And now that they’ve lost this Super Bowl, the last thing we need to do as fans is to keep pressing down on them some more. It’s not honorable, and it’s not worthy.
If he means we shouldn’t be too hard on the players, I guess I can understand that. I assume they each played the best they could.
But shouldn’t the Bears have had players whose best was just a little bit better?
Look, someone’s got a beat-down coming. If I’ve researched this right, the new stadium for the Bears was funded with $387 million dollars in public funds from the Chicago area. For that kind of dough, we should at least get the bragging rights that come from hosting a Superbowl winner.
Somebody owes us. Big time.
And somebody ought to pay.
Give it a break, think how it feels to be a Houston Texan fan, they are going to have a special next year at every game handing out paper sacks so that fans can sit in the stands without fear of being recognized. lol
Why not be hard on Rex? He was not playing at the level a quarterback should be playing at the Super Bowl. It was painful to watch.