Inspired by the work of Ken Lammers and Kip Esquire, I’ve decided to try some video blogging. My first effort is a combination of a technology test and an explanation of what might be coming in the future.
Watching it, I can’t help but notice that
- I somehow manage to mumble and fast-talk the viewer at the same time.
- The sound is pretty bad.
- I look much more like my father than I realized.
- I need to plan these things better.
shg says
You are a brave man. It’s not easy to be a video star.
Mark Draughn says
I’d rather you said I was a handsome man and had nothing to worry about.
ken says
Gotta get your cat to do more than that. At least my dogs wander in and out of the picture, sit on the side scratching themselves, and make wierd noises.
Mark Draughn says
Ken, I’m planning to let the drama build over the course of the series.