Someone at @Popehat (no idea which one) pointed out that Andrew Burstein at Salon is calling for a new constitutional convention. I'm generally against the idea, because although I can think of a few things I'd like to change, I'd be worried that we'd lose way too many freedoms if we rewrote the Constitution in this fearful day and age. Burstein's article is an excellent … [Read more...] about A Monstrous New Constitution
The Wrong Terminator
So there's another Terminator film in the works, scheduled for next summer. I want it to be awesome, but I'm not expecting much. From what I gather, the impetus to make the film was that the company that made the last one went belly up and somebody ended up with the rights and figured they'd better do something with them, and Arnold's available again, so what the hell, let's … [Read more...] about The Wrong Terminator
Two Cheers for the Secret Service [Updated]
Am I the only one who thought the U.S. Secret Service did a pretty good job of handling the guy who jumped the fence and ran for the front door?I'm especially appalled at the suggestion that snipers should have shot him after he jumped the fence. It's reported that the only weapon on him was a small folding knife, so if the White House door had been locked, he would have … [Read more...] about Two Cheers for the Secret Service [Updated]
An Awkward Moment in the Apple Encryption Debate
So a couple of days ago I was explaining why Orin Kerr was wrong about Apple's new policy of rendering themselves unable to encrypt customers' iPhones, and in passing I linked with some disdain to a piece by former FBI Assistant Director Ronald T. Hosko, who was claiming, of course, that the new policy would help the bad guys.Yesterday, however, Hosko did something that … [Read more...] about An Awkward Moment in the Apple Encryption Debate
The People’s Climate Change
I've been trying to explain to my science-oriented friends who complain about climate change denial that a lot of people who have doubts about global warming are not so much anti-science as they are suspicious of scientific claims coming from people with an ideological agenda.Imagine for a moment that your least favorite right-wing pundits -- Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann … [Read more...] about The People’s Climate Change