We keep hearing about police plans to respond to protests in Ferguson, Missouri if the grand jury investigating Officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown decides not to return an indictment.On the other hand, if the grand jury decides to indict Wilson, there would be a warrant for his arrest, and that would mean there's officially an accused murderer on the loose. … [Read more...] about Awaiting the Grand Jury…
Fast Internet is Not a Free Market
Last week in an opinion piece for Time, Nick Gillespie smacked around Obama's plan to sneak net neutrality in the back door by having the FCC reclassify internet service providers, essentially regulating them as public utilities. In addition to questioning the tactic, he also slams net neutrality for the usual reasons, which essentially boil down to this: If you think cable … [Read more...] about Fast Internet is Not a Free Market
Thinking About Lethal Force – Part 1
We've heard a lot of argument about whether or not George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin was murder or self defense, and more recent controversial shootings such as that of Michael Brown by Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri have raised many of the same issues. Some of the disagreements represent a genuine clash of values, but there's a lot of noise caused by … [Read more...] about Thinking About Lethal Force – Part 1
The Threats Are Real, But the Danger…Not So Much
I play video games pretty regularly, but except for the occasional threat of government censorship, I'm not much interested in the politics of gaming, and I'm certainly not interested in the politics of gaming reviews or of identity-group-based game criticism. Which is why wrote about a game instead of writing about GamerGate.(Although...is anybody concerned about the … [Read more...] about The Threats Are Real, But the Danger…Not So Much
Obama and Running Away
Allen Clifton at Forward Progressives has a post complaining about Democratic candidates trying to run away from President Obama. He then goes on to list some of Obama's accomplishments: The same president who has presided over:The creation of over 10 million jobs in less than 6 years. Obama inherited an economic recession. Recessions end. Of course it got better. It … [Read more...] about Obama and Running Away