In the Washington Post, Zerlina Maxwell insists that, despite the way the UVA fraternity gang rape story seems to be falling apart, when it comes to accusations of rape: In important ways, this is wrong. We should believe, as a matter of default, what an accuser says. Ultimately, the costs of wrongly disbelieving a survivor far outweigh the costs of calling someone a … [Read more...] about Believing Victims
Thinking About Lethal Force – Part 2
This is my second post in a series that explores how we can think about news stories about people using lethal force in an act of claimed self defense. Part 1 discussed the basics of what might or might not be self defense, and this part expands the discussion to cover witness reliability.I want to emphasize again that my discussion is neither legal advice nor self defense … [Read more...] about Thinking About Lethal Force – Part 2
Mother Jones’s Weak Math
Steve Marmel posts this infographic he apparently got from Mother Jones magazine that purports to show institutionalized racism in Ferguson, Missouri:[Image reads: Institutional racism by the numbers. In 2013 in Ferguson: 483 black people were arrested, 36 white people were arrested, 92% of searches and 86% of car stops involved blacks.]I wonder if either Marmel or … [Read more...] about Mother Jones’s Weak Math
The Special Case of Darren Wilson
In response to my earlier post about the grand jury in the Michael Brown case, Jack Marshall posted a lengthy comment. Events have somewhat overtaken that post, but I wanted to address a few points Jack makes. (He wrote his comment before the grand jury decision came out.) I don’t find the fact that a prosecutor could get an indictment probative of whether he should get one, … [Read more...] about The Special Case of Darren Wilson
The Drunk Under the Street Lamp Meets Saddam Hussein
Ferguson is breaking my heart. I'm not talking about the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown. I pretty much expected that.What's breaking my heart is the magnitude of the destruction going on during the protests. I paid pretty close attention to the earlier batch of protests, right after Brown was shot, and there was sporadic … [Read more...] about The Drunk Under the Street Lamp Meets Saddam Hussein