"What the fuck did I do?"That's what Detective Jimmy McNulty asks Bunk at the end of the first season of The Wire as he contemplates all that he has set in motion. It's a phrase that has been going through my head a lot over the past week."What the fuck did I do?"I bought a house, that's what I did.After 26 years of living in a condo, my wife and I decided … [Read more...] about What the Fuck Did I Do?
Libertarian Party Memes
The Libertarian Party has been a real hoot this election. I think everybody is familiar with Senator Bernie Sanders' supporters promoting his candidacy with the "Feel the Bern" meme. Naturally, Libertarians have their own version for Governor Gary Johnson.It's exactly what you think it is. I think my favorite Libertarian meme (so far) belongs to the John … [Read more...] about Libertarian Party Memes
Some Random Annoying Nonsense about Libertarianism
[Same post as before, but this time with a title. Arg.]Lucy Steigerwald points to an annoying Vox article about libertarianism by Drew Brown with the cringe-inducing title "Why Libertarians and MRAs Sound the Same When They Talk About Feminism."The piece starts out with some real issues of women being harassed by assholes, and private employers firing said assholes, … [Read more...] about Some Random Annoying Nonsense about Libertarianism
Confuse the Record
Hillary Clinton is the secret love child of Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow who became the brain-eating zombie Queen of planet Zorg before traveling back in time to marry Bill Clinton and kill Vince Foster with her retractable poisonous fangs because he was about to reveal that she was conspiring through a private email server to use her speaking fees to raise funds for terror … [Read more...] about Confuse the Record
More About the ExxonMobil Fishing Expedition
A little more information has come out about that suspicious investigation that produced the seemingly abusive subpoena to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, asking them for a crapton of documents related to CEI's work on climate change, presumably in connection with the investigation into ExxonMobil's alleged lies to investors.The Washington Times has a copy of a … [Read more...] about More About the ExxonMobil Fishing Expedition