The other day, someone asked Radley Balko why cops seem to shoot so many dogs. It seems Radley has become something of an expert on this subject. He's the go-to guy on what everybody now calls puppycide. And this was his response: Because they can. No training, no consequences. That seemed like a pretty good explanation to me, but New York criminal defense lawyer Scott … [Read more...] about Why Puppycide?
What the Death Penalty Deters
Jeff Gamso has an interesting post today about what may be the most common use of the death penalty: And there's Jared Lee Loughner who might have been found insane rather than guilty of murder and locked away for the rest of his life after a trial rather than quickly pleading guilty and getting locked away for the rest of his life if..Arizona...didn't have a death penalty. … [Read more...] about What the Death Penalty Deters
Romney’s Disturbing Ignorance About the American Economy
The left has been going wild over Mitt Romney's "47%" comment, and for good reason. What they may not realize is that a fair number of people on the free-market right aren't too happy with it either, because it shows shocking ignorance of how the American economy works. Steve Chapman has a takedown of Mitt Romney today which describes the problem pretty well. The angry folks on … [Read more...] about Romney’s Disturbing Ignorance About the American Economy
Resident Evil: Retribution – Review
So my wife and I went to see Resident Evil: Retribution last weekend. We decided to splurge a bit on the tickets, because if we're going to watch some trashy hot-chick violence porn, we really should watch it in IMAX 3D. This movie hits all the key points of the Resident Evil franchise: Zombies, soldiers, zombie soldiers, a giant slimy boss creature, Milla Jovovich face-kicking … [Read more...] about Resident Evil: Retribution – Review
Don’t Muslims Have Something More Important To Do?
In response to the violence in parts of the Muslim world over The Innocence of Muslims video, Eric Zorn is rightly puzzled: Why would a robust, enduring worldwide faith pay any mind whatsoever to assorted pesky critics? Don't their conniptions over the blasphemies of infidels betray weakness rather than strength? What good is respect for one's religion if it's maintained … [Read more...] about Don’t Muslims Have Something More Important To Do?