Five and a half years ago, when the beating of 24-year old bartender Karolina Obrycka by Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate first made the news, I argued that the beating itself wasn't the real news story: ...It is rumored that some cops offered Obrycka a bribe if she would back off, and then threatened to plant drugs in the bar and in Obrycka's car if she didn't back … [Read more...] about Chicago To Pay For Not Watching the Watchers
Election Results 2012
I may have been a little harsh in yesterday's prediction that "the next four years are going to suck." That's what I get for concentrating too much on the Presidential race. It turned out there was some good news last night. First of all, the Republican rape guy lost. Actually, both Republican rape guys lost. I don't think Richard Mourdock meant what he said in quite the way … [Read more...] about Election Results 2012
Obama Wins, Markets Do Something
It's easy to make fun of "up-down" financial market reporting, which is why I do it. Every day, some poor fool pretends to understand why thousands of investors made millions of of decisions about billions of dollars and boil it down to a single cause, such as "profit taking," "hunting for bargains," or "declining investor confidence in the wake of yesterday's Treasury … [Read more...] about Obama Wins, Markets Do Something
Election Prediction 2012
Here's my prediction for the result of the 2012 Presidential election: The next four years are going to suck. The polls are about even (heh, even in the pointless Dixville Notch first vote), which partisans on both sides are trying to spin as a win for their side. Some of them may even be right. I don't know and I don't care enough to try to figure it out. A day from now we'll … [Read more...] about Election Prediction 2012
Rita Hayworth Stayin’ Alive
There's a guy out there with a serious Rita Hayworth fixation and way too much time on his hands who likes to cut together pieces of her movies into music videos for popular songs which he posts on YouTube. On the one hand, it's kind of a weird obsession. On the other hand, it's why I'll never fall out of love with the Internet. This one is really fun to watch: Hat tip: Roger … [Read more...] about Rita Hayworth Stayin’ Alive