So yesterday, just because I thought it was interesting, I wrote a post about some of the science behind DUI breath testing. That's such a competitive area of law that I was pretty sure I'd attract a comment from some DUI lawyer (or his SEO stooge) linking back to his blog in a shameless act of self promotion. And sure enough, within a couple of hours, an Idaho DUI lawyer left … [Read more...] about New PD Blog: Defending Dandelions
Some DUI Science and Guesswork
Jamison Koehler put up a post on the fraction of your breath that a breathalyzer uses to estimate your blood alcohol ratio. He's had expert training in DUI defense and therefore DUI-related technology, whereas I've just had some basic math and science education. But it's an interesting subject, and I thought I'd try to explain what I think is happening from a science-ish point … [Read more...] about Some DUI Science and Guesswork
Horrors of the Zimmerman Jury
Nathaniel Downes at the highly liberal Addicting Info thinks he's found shocking evidence of jury tampering in the Zimmerman trial: The image of a murder trial jury often times gives the image from 12 Angry Men, a group holed up, cut off from contact from the outside world, with the weight of life or death hanging over their heads as they decide the fate of the person on … [Read more...] about Horrors of the Zimmerman Jury
Snowden Drops the Other Shoe
When Edward Snowden first started revealing to journalist Glenn Greenwald how the NSA has secretly been spying on all of us, he made a point of differentiating himself from Bradley Manning: Snowden said that he admires both Ellsberg and Manning, but argues that there is one important distinction between himself and the army private, whose trial coincidentally began the week … [Read more...] about Snowden Drops the Other Shoe
A Modest Proposal for Preventing Prosecutors From Overcharging
Scott Greenfield and Gideon have been kicking Glenn Reynolds around the schoolyard because of his ideas for combating overcharging by prosecutors who pile on charges they know they can't prove. Broadly speaking, Scott and Gid think most of Reynolds's ideas are silly or dangerous, and they are annoyed that his ideas get so much attention just because he's a well-known blogger … [Read more...] about A Modest Proposal for Preventing Prosecutors From Overcharging