I hate to say bad things about Paul Krugman, because it was his books back in the 1990s that got me interested in economics, but he sure can be a condescending ass sometimes, as illustrated by his recent opinion piece about whether it makes sense for Democrats who are unhappy with Clinton to vote for Johnson:Does it make sense to vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian … [Read more...] about Paul Krugman Doesn’t Get the Message
Political Science
Clinton Did It, but What Would Trump Do?
Here's a sentiment I've seen from some Donald Trump supporters, especially those who get to Trump by way of Bernie Sanders and hate Clinton enough to vote for Trump:https://twitter.com/Jay0253/status/761288407435784192(In case it doesn't show, it's a picture of a dumb-looking guy saying "I'm voting for the candidate who got people killed, covered [up] sexual assaults … [Read more...] about Clinton Did It, but What Would Trump Do?
What if Donald Trump is a Sociopath?
What if Donald Trump is a sociopath?It's obvious to me that Donald Trump is a very dangerous person who should not under any circumstances be given power over other people. It's also obvious that his supporters don't see him that way. It's tempting to dismiss them as intolerant bigots -- and he certainly has some of those among his fans -- but I think there's a more benign … [Read more...] about What if Donald Trump is a Sociopath?
Confuse the Record
Hillary Clinton is the secret love child of Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow who became the brain-eating zombie Queen of planet Zorg before traveling back in time to marry Bill Clinton and kill Vince Foster with her retractable poisonous fangs because he was about to reveal that she was conspiring through a private email server to use her speaking fees to raise funds for terror … [Read more...] about Confuse the Record
For several months now, I've kind of been planning to vote in the Republican primary here in Illinois, just so I can vote against Donald Trump. As the day finally approached, however, I gave it a little more thought and realized there was a better way to use my vote. (It may not be worth much, but I might as well maximize its impact.)While the Presidential elections have … [Read more...] about #ByeAnita