Heh. Jim Leitzel writes about Indian casinos and bingo machines. … [Read more...] about “You will be surprised to learn that there is a revenue angle.”
Crime and Punishment
Protecting Prostitutes, Part 2
A few days ago, I wrote about the Predator Accountability Act being considered by the Illinois legislature. This bill would allow prostitutes to sue their pimps for damages. I pointed out a few problems with the bill. After writing my little screed, it occurred to me that one defense of this bill is that it gives prostitutes access to the courts to obtain damages. Because … [Read more...] about Protecting Prostitutes, Part 2
Protecting Prostitutes
The Illinois House just passed the Predator Accountability Act, which the Chicago Tribune's Dawn Turner Trice describes as allowing prostitutes to sue their pimps for damages. This sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? Wouldn't you think you can already file a civil suit against someone who beats or rapes you? Of course you can. Bills like this aren't a progressive and … [Read more...] about Protecting Prostitutes
Independent Judiciary
I don't know who Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow is. I don't know if she's a good judge or one of the bad ones. But just a few days after discovering the murder of her husband and mother, she's announced she's going to return to the bench. "Nobody is going to intimidate me off my duty," she's quoted as saying in an AP piece. Amazing. Give 'em hell, judge. … [Read more...] about Independent Judiciary
Marriage Is an Institution
Wedding bells are in the air for Mary Kay LeTourneau and Vili Fualaau, and isn't it about time these two crazy kids got hitched? Get them a gift. People have often noted that society normally treats statutory rape differently depending on whether the older person is a man or a woman. A man is assumed to be exploiting the young girl, whereas an older woman is assumed to be … [Read more...] about Marriage Is an Institution