The Supreme Court finally released their long-awaited 2nd Amendment decision in Heller, and it seems to support an individual right to bear arms…in your own home, in D.C., if your name is Dick Heller, and all you want is a city gun permit.
That’s according to Scott Greenfield’s analysis of Heller.
They announced a fundamental individual right, yet also allowed all standing regulations to remain intact without explanation, and left 99% of the questions arising from this right unanswered.
Orin Kerr says essentially the same thing:
It recognizes the individual right…, but does not resolve the degrees of scrutiny, does not address incorporation, and indicates (without establishing) that traditional gun restriction laws are valid.
That’s a lot of important things to leave out.
I guess today the Supreme Court was doing the work of an administrative judge in the D.C. gun permit office. It’s kind of disappointing.
Any lawyers out there want to help me try to register a handgun in Chicago and see what happens?
I just hate it when Orin copies me. Copycat, copycat.
Everybody knows all the big names got there on the backs of the little people.