Okay, I’ll get in the game with my prediction:
John Mark Karr didn’t kill JonBenet Ramsey.
(I’ve been right about things like this before, but didn’t say anything in advance so who’d believe me, right? This time, right or wrong, I’m on record.)
He allegedly says her death was an accident, which is obviously not true: The forensic evidence shows a deliberate, brutal murder. This sounds like something the police got him to say to encourage him to minimize the crime as a way of getting him to confess.
He’s also allegedly said he drugged her, which also contradicts the forensic evidence.
If news reports are correct, it appears that Karr is obsessed with JonBenet Ramsey, but so far I’ve heard nothing that proves he was obsessed with her before she died. I think he became obsessed with her later on, about the same time everybody else became obsessed with her. I think he’s a celebrity stalker.
Think about it. Someone stalking, say, Britney Spears, would be telling people how he knows her and understands her better than anyone else. How they’re really good friends, even if her people don’t understand. How she secretly sends him coded messages in her songs. How he’s the real father of her baby.
But Karr isn’t stalking Britney. He’s stalking a poor little girl who’s biggest fame came when she died. Claiming to have been there when that happened would make him a very important person in her life.
The police and prosecutor are being very cautious. I don’t think they believe it either.
Still, I could be a fool. As in so many crimes these days, the DNA will tell.
Update: I think I called it.
Mark ” If you really think about it his X wife said she knew he was not in Colorado due to the fact she stated he was with her in Georgia that christmas of 1996. That should have been the clue and not even the X was willing to lie for Mr Karr even tho she hated him for what he was and fooled her for the years they were married. I live in Sanoma county and he was arrested here in 2001 for child porno and he was in jail for 6 months before they let him go ,otherwise he would still be in jail. They let him out and he skipped state then country and that’s where the story begain.