Glenn Reynolds, while reporting that this is the sixtieth anniversary of the bikini, has decided this this is blog sweeps week. I figure I better do my part.
Here’s an image of the infamous Reason magazine pillow girl in a nifty little cowgirl/bikini outfit.
I Googled “God of Parking” and found your article. For more than thirty years I have called upon the God of Parking. His name is Hyman Cohen. My ex-husband had been told about Hyman when he lived in Boston for a short time.The origins of Hyman are shrouded with mystery. Whenever I’m in an iffy parking situation I call upon Hyman Cohen (he especially likes to have his name sung, any song will do). I amaze myself and my friends. Just yesterday, when driving to the congested downtown Louisville courthouse complex to fill out a job application, in a notoriously parking-unfriendly location, I sung Hyman Cohen’s name. Instantly, there appeared on my left a beautiful, long parking space. I did have to put change in the meter, but no big deal. I don’t know how he works through me or why, I only know that I accept his largesse with humility and gratefulness. I have told others who I feel can accept this idea, and they have reported similar success. May you also. Cathy T.
I Googled “God of Parking” and found your article. For more than thirty years I have called upon the God of Parking. His name is Hyman Cohen. My ex-husband had been told about Hyman when he lived in Boston for a short time.The origins of Hyman are shrouded with mystery. Whenever I’m in an iffy parking situation I call upon Hyman Cohen (he especially likes to have his name sung, any song will do). I amaze myself and my friends. Just yesterday, when driving to the congested downtown Louisville courthouse complex to fill out a job application, in a notoriously parking-unfriendly location, I sung Hyman Cohen’s name. Instantly, there appeared on my left a beautiful, long parking space. I did have to put change in the meter, but no big deal. I don’t know how he works through me or why, I only know that I accept his largesse with humility and gratefulness. I have told others who I feel can accept this idea, and they have reported similar success. May you also. Cathy T.