Last spring, our cat Ripley passed away after a somewhat lengthy period of illness. It was a very sad time for us. My wife was especially heartbroken, as Ripley had been the first cat we adopted after a catless period that followed the death of her previous cat.
As is my way, I had put up a post about Ripley’s passing. Unbeknownst to me, someone over at the Opinionated Pussycat noticed it and posted a rather wonderful eulogy for Ripley which was picked up by The Cat Blogosphere, and a couple of dozen people stopped by in the comments to leave their condolences. It was very touching, and it helped.
I mention all this because we just found out that PDgirl‘s cat Simon — a foundling she’s only had since October — got so sick that she had to put him down.
I can remember how excited she was when she got him, and I know how cats can break your heart. So if you get a chance, stop by her farewell post for Simon, and send some comfort her way. I have the feeling she’ll need it.
Update: This post is now in the 512th Carnival of the Cats at Opinionated Pussycat.
Thank you so much for this. It’s really touching to know that his sweet little spirit was appreciated by others.
Dear Mark:
Thank you for the kind mention of a post that my mentor, Mr. Nikita, the original “Opinionated Pussycat” was honored to post.
In the wake of his own recent passing I find myself mentoring a kitten rescued off the street, just as he did me, back in 2010.
Keep an eye out for an email from Daddy Kiril…meanwhile I will stop by PDGirl’s place o offer condolences.