I was reading yet another story about the good old fashioned book burning organized, then cancelled, by Pastor Terry Jones. President Hamid Karzai was quoted as saying:
“We have heard that in the US, a pastor has decided to insult Korans. Now although we have heard that they are not doing this, we tell them they should not even think of it.“By burning the Koran, they cannot harm it. The Koran is in the hearts and minds of one-and-a-half billion people. Insulting the Koran is an insult to nations.”
It sounds like he has read Fahrenheit 451 and even managed to understand the premise that burning a book cannot destroy the ideas within the pages. Yet he still considers the act an insult to the book. Protesters around the world burn American flags (which doesn’t matter since that act cannot harm the ideals of the US Constitution) angry that the US government didn’t take away the liberties of the Koran burners.
I have the sinking feeling I am going to be eviscerated for this, and I doubt any assistance is needed.
Make sure you first cut the cows throat with an athame (Wicca). Use a copy of the torah to roll-ed out Torah as a placemat for the table upon which the barbecue will be served (Judaism).
Thats gets you five offended.
Very nice! I was hoping someone creative could add to this without resorting to just adding more holy books to the fire.
Maybe there’s a market for making charcoal briquettes in the shape of sacred items. I always like to tell my students to watch out for new business opportunities.