I thought this was a joke, but it looks like they’re serious. This just might be the dumbest idea on the internet.
Stephen Baldwin of the famous “Baldwin Brothers” Hollywood clan is a veteran actor who has starred in over 60 films and TV shows. He is no stranger to the Hollywood life of glitz, glamour and the public eye.
In 2002, he had an experience that changed his life forever. He became a Born Again Christian, giving his life to Jesus Christ. Over the next few years, he became very vocal about his faith, using his spotlight to boldly preach the gospel. However, because of his convictions it has caused him the loss of many jobs and the most recently, a highly publicized bankruptcy.
He has been publicly ridiculed and insulted by people who think that he has been abandoned by God. A simple search through the internet will reveal that people not only mock Stephen, but mock God.
In response to this (with the permission of Stephen’s ministry President Daniel Southern) we have established RestoreStephenBaldwin.org. A privately funded and managed website. Our vision is to see Stephen Baldwin publicly restored in front of millions. Stephen’s platform will increase allowing him to reach even more people with the Gospel and God will get all of the glory. Publicly.
Everyone knows that God restored Job, but do they understand the mechanism of his restoration? Job was restored by the people. By “All Who Knew Him”. This website was created to see a rebirth of that mechanism. If the people of God come together and each give a small “Token Gift” we can see a massive restoration of a Christian public figure and all the glory will go to God. Its simple, will you take part in the second ever All Who Know Him event?
Uh. No.
If you feel inspired to give money for a good purpose, but propping up a B-list celebrity has-been isn’t your idea of charity, the Pacific Garden Mission could probably put your money to better use.
Update: Oh wow. As of May 9th, they took the site down. Possibly because of this video. Pussies.
Holy shit. I may now have heard everything. And I’m not even forty yet.
Remember the words of Our Savior: “It is easier for a camel to get through the needle’s eye than for a Hollywood actor with a net worth of less than two million dollars to get into heaven, so thou who art a lowly diner waitress struggling to raise a family on nine bucks an hour shalt give of thine night-shift bounty to the least among thee in Hollywood.” Or something like that.
First of all. Why do Christians continue to push their religion in other peoples faces?
Stephen BALDWIN? Why does he need Christians money? Why can’t his family give it to him.
There are millions of people out there that could live on $2 a day and you want to give a famous man from an extraordinarily wealthy family money so he can look good and “Spread the gospel” to tell the truth, I’ve listened to preachers before, read some of the bible, it’s a great STORY with many good MORALS to help live your life. You people believe in a god. Great, good for you. If people are to become religious, let them come to you
And I’m not saying “you” to the people who commented or the person who posted, I’m just hoping Christians see it