Police officers in Fairfax County, Virginia, have been killing civilians. Then they’ve been stonewalling everyone who asks about it, not even revealing the names of the officers who pulled the trigger:
Last November along the roadside of Richmond Highway, a major thoroughfare in Fairfax County, Virginia, a police officer shot and killed David Masters, an unarmed motorist, as he sat in the driver’s seat of his car…
Last month, [a reporter] asked Fairfax County Police Public Information Officer Mary Ann Jennings why her department won’t at least release the incident report on Master’s death, given concerns raised about the shooting. “Let us hear that concern,” Jennings shot back. “We are not hearing it from anybody except the media, except individual reporters.”
That’s an astounding answer. “Except the media?” That’s exactly who you would expect to file most open records requests. When asked why her department won’t even release even the name of the officer who shot Masters, Jennings got more obtuse. “What does the name of an officer give the public in terms of information and disclosure?” Jennings asked in reply, presumably rhetorically. “I’d be curious to know why they want the name of an officer.”
Because he holds a position of public trust, and he just killed a member of the public.
It galls me to no end when police officers complain about their privacy. They spend all day, every day, poking their noses into other people’s business, but when someone asks them the hard questions, they refuse to answer. (We could all learn a lesson here.) People who cash the public’s paycheck should answer to the public.
So let me ask what every cop asks when a citizen refuses to cooperate: What are you trying to hide? Until I get a better answer, I’m going to assume that they’re covering up a murder by a police officer. They’re welcome to prove me wrong.
I’m with you 100% especially since I am currently and unfortunately a resident of Fairfax County Virginia and live in the Mount Vernon District of that county. This is the District in which the un-armed Mr. Masters was murdered by the out of control Fairfax County Police and their Union thugs. Mr. Masters was only the most recent of the murders and questionable deaths committed by the Fairfax County Police Department and even though the citizens and taxpayers of Fairfax County have been pleading for an investigation by the FBI and the Department of Justice for Civil Rights violations by these cowboys, they refuse to take even the minimal of action, even though they have had a police jurisdiction under receivership and control for years just on the other side of the river down here for rights violations and murders of innocent victims. The police in Fairfax County are nothing more than hot-dogs, cowboys and loose cannons who are set loose on the streets here to collect as much revenue for the county as possible and to merely make a presence at any crime report that may interfere with their sleep. Their only training comes from the cop shows they watch on television at some training facility somewhere, probably in South America someplace. They don’t have the mental capability to write a proper police report and all of their paper work is nothing more than boiler-plate, fill-in-the-blank gibberish that even the corrupt judicial system can’t understand. So, I agree 100% Mr. Draughn and you should advise the citizens of your area that if they intend to come to this area for sight-seeing that they do their sight-seeing and get back on the bus and lodge them selves in the District of Columbia where at least they will be robbed, raped and murdered by the citizens there rather than being shaken down robbed, raped and murdered by the Fairfax County Police Department.
I don’t know anything about Fairfax County other than this incident, but you sound bitter as hell about it. Thanks for commenting.
Oh you want refertences? My pleasure!
Pedophiles, murderers, and racists…quite the task force in charge of protecting and servicing the public while living off our taxes.
These are but a few, there is much more out there. All one has to do is a simple google video and news search of the department.
It’s not just fairfax co ………it’s every where USA. Cops are given full authority to kill murder maim and pillage in this United States and NO ONE has the guts to stand up against them ! No gov’t state or local has the courage to address this constant murdering of Americans in the streets and there seems to be no end in sight ! And people in gov’t wonder why there is no respect for these goons ! Give me a break ! It’s really too bad but when accosted by cops you’d better be prepared to kiss thier ass or die !!
My little was the person shot by police in Fairfax on sept.2007.they had proof he was innocent and didn’t play the tape.They shot him 7times once in the chest then 6 times in the back while lay on the ground plus they tasered him and beat him dam near to death