Happy Easter everybody.
Today’s not really a great day for me. It was a year ago today that my mother died. The trouble actually started two weeks earlier when she went into the hospital. That’s when she really disappeared. But today’s the first anniversary of the day she died.
All in all, this is the end of a rough year for me. I lost both my parents, I lost months of my time, I lost some income, and I spent a lot of money I didn’t have on things I suddenly needed. It was also kind of depressing, in the clinical sense. I know that depression can sneak up on you, but you know what? Depression snuck up on me.
I thought I was okay. A little sad and a little tired, maybe, but basically okay.
However, over the past month or so, as this anniversary approached, I noticed that I’m starting to take control of my life: Fixing things around the house, replacing busted backup disks on my computer, getting excited about my job again, bringing my personal financial records up to date (yikes!), thinking about taking up photography again…I’m even blogging more.
At the time, I didn’t realize I was doing any of these things less, but comparing how I was six months ago to how I am now, it’s pretty obvious that I went through a mild depression that seems to be waning.
(I say “seems” because, for all I know, in another six months I’ll be blogging about how depressed I was now.)
Anyway, I just want to give thanks to everyone who stuck with me, both here in the blogosphere and in real life. I’m glad to have all of you in my life.
It’s a slow process and I’m glad you’re feeling better about it.
Thanks Gideon. I don’t want to make this Weepypundit, and this blog has never been about my feelings (except for my righteous libertarian outrage) but I know it’s affected my blogging, and I just wanted to let all of you know that I’m working on it.
Glad you’re feeling better. And I daresay the start of springtime helps too; it’s easy to get depressed when the weather’s so aggressively gray and bleak.
Hi Jennifer, you’re right about that. I’m trying to make it a point to get out of the house every day to enjoy the sun. Maybe I’ll take some pictures.
Catblogging please…..:)