Reading the latest at Not Guilty, I realized that my blogroll is a bit out of date, not in the least because Not Guilty isn’t on it. I have short descriptions for each blog in the list, so even for blogs I already have, I might have to change the description.
Let’s see, going through the categories…
Bloggy Goodness
Cataloguing every inch of our daily slide down the slippery slope towards a more totalitarian state.
Free markets and free minds.
I don’t need a link to Reason and Reason‘s blog. I’ll just keep Hit & Run. And I’ll put the spaces back in the name.
Author, columnist, brings depth to the simplest subjects.
That doesn’t seem quite right. Maybe “Author, columnist, and famous kidney doner.”
Your basic working philosopher.
Lindsay Beyerstein has moved her blog to Big Think and renamed it Focal Point because she’s doing some video media now, and when you say Majikthise out loud, it sounds like she’s one of the less well-known Bond girls.
Kip Esquire, lawyer, investment banker, and full-time pop scholar.
These days Kip’s blog is just a digest of his daily twitting. I’ll let him stay a little longer, but with the description “Kip Esquire, mad twitterer.”
War on Drugs
Vice, in all its forms.
Jim Leitzel’s blog has stopped publication. Out it goes.
Injustice in the war on drugs.
Libby seems to have changed the thrust of her blog since I wrote that description. I’ll change it to her tag line (“A complicated woman with simple tastes”) and move it out of the drug war section.
A counterweight to the DEA’s exploitive site.
The link was bad. It now goes to Pete Guither’s site.
The So-Called “Austin Mayor” Blog
Just a tad to the left of my usual tastes, but always very interesting.
This blog has stopped publication.
There should be lots of changes in this section.
Chicago criminal defense.
This blog seems dead, so I’m going to remove it, despite the hope it brings that a Chicago crimlaw blogger will emerge.
A big, goofy, ballcap-wearing prosecutor who even likes dogs.
Lammers remakes himself every month or so, so I should probably change that description…but to what?
Funny stories about criminal defense.
Blondie doesn’t post much any more, but she stays, because she’s Blonde Justice.
Legal analysis and bitching about federalism issues.
Not so much with the federalism lately.
Tom McKenna, Virginia prosecutor on a mission from God.
It keeps getting crazier, but that’s still a good description.
Defendin’, datin’, drinkin’.
The blog may be shutting down, but she’s a fun read so she stays for a little longer.
Sarena Straus, author and former Bronx D.A.
This blog seems dead, so I’m removing it.
Iowa criminal defense
This blog seems dead, so I’m removing it.
A bird flu news and blog aggregator.
Okay…I can safely remove this.
Map of recent criminal activity in Chicago.
Link broke. It’s history.
A brief summary about every nation.
It moved, so I changed the link.
That wraps up all the changes. Now for all the new additions to the blogroll…
First, there’s Mirriam
A lawyer in search of a clue.
That was my summary back when she couldn’t decide what kind of work she wanted to do. It stays until I can think of something better.
Second, Norm’s back. Wait, let me check…yes, he hasn’t taken this one down in a fit of…Norm…yet, so the link goes back up with the same description as last time:
Norm will fight for you!
Now for the truly new blogs on the roll. In the legal section:
An Ohio criminal defense lawyer
I’d love to think of something better, but I haven’t read enough yet.
Because we’re just not punishing people enough
It’s like a criminal defense blog, but from Florida
Making prosecutors seem just like normal lawyers
Interesting writing about the law.
Young Shawn Matlock discusses criminal law in Texas and beyond
He’s not really “Young” Shawn anymore according to Greenfield, but I’ve got nothing else.
New York Personal Injury Law Blog
Better than you’d think from the SEO-friendly name
West Virginia Criminal Law Blog
Also better than you’d think from the SEO-friendly name
South Carolina Criminal Defense Blog
And one more that’s better than you’d think from the SEO-friendly name
It’s your fault I can’t come up with better descriptions.
I’m also adding a new section for geeky computer stuff which includes the following blogs:
Crazy stories about bad things inside computer software and how they got there.
Extremely geeky comics
Smart writing about search engine technology.
And it’s about time I collected up a few economics blogs:
The Armchair Economist
Aurhor of the most popular macroeconomics textbook
The margins are where everything happens
Business and economics
Then under Media, I’ll add
A great writer and a useful film critic.
And under photography, I really ought to include these guys:
How to light everything in the world with speedlights
I think that will do for now.
It’s been a crazy 12-18 months. On the plus side, I’m negotiating with David Tennant to play me in the revived series. ;-)
Don’t you have to give Christopher Eccleston a shot at it first?
Thanks for not changing my blog’s description. I live to confound people.
I may change every so often, but at least I’ve stopped changing the format of the blawg every two weeks. :-)
Oh. I had assumed the current layout was just temporary. Not that there’s anything wrong with the current layout. Lots of people want their blogs to look that way.