A few random shots around the web:
- When I heard that bartender-beating Chicago cop Anthony Abbate got a light sentence, I wondered if someone who wasn’t a cop did the same thing, would he get off as easy? When Moser did some research, and the answers is probably yes. It was, after all, just a barfight.
- Savana Redding wins her case against ibuprofen-seeking perverts.
- I didn’t love the new Transformers movie, but I liked it more than Roger Ebert did.
- Why? WHY? Why do they keep letting M. Night Shyamalan make movies! At least it’s an adaptation, so maybe it will have a point.
Although I didn’t see the latest film, I think Ebert’s thoughts about the state of film-making today was spot-on. I couldn’t even make it through the first Transformers film.