Stuff I’d have tweeted about if I gave a damn about Twitter:
- Everybody else has already commented on this bullshit from the TSA.
- Everyone else has also commented on these cops who raided a blogger who’s critical of cops, but I’ll link to it anyway to help give it the publicity it deserves.
- “Woman calls 911 over lack of shrimp in fried rice” plays like a story of someone abusing the emergency system, and she’s taking a lot of abuse for it. But if the woman had left the restaurant without paying her full bill, and the manager had called the police, that wouldn’t have been a funny story. Why not? How come people ripping off a restaurant are a police matter, but a restaurant ripping off its customers is not?
- WTF?
- Here’s a somewhat technical look at the physical plant of a Google data center, and here’s a server component and an explanation.
- Lindsay Beyerstein displays an almost adorable trust in government when she advocates a public news service: “What we need is a publicly-funded web-based news service from which readers could access free video, audio, and print content. Low overhead and cheap distribution would allow more money to be spent on reporting.” It’s like she’s never heard politicians talking.
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