I’ve been reviewing what Windypundit was all about this year, and it turns out 2007 was the year in which
- I made a fearless election prediction.
- John Dvorak and I found common ground.
- I introduced you to the swell guys on the Lima SWAT team.
- I piled on Ron Paul, and then again, and then one last time.
- I pondered the market failures in 22-inch wiper blades and Dulce de Leche ice cream.
- I explained why preventing deep linking is stupid and wrong.
- I designed the FEAR card.
- A guy running for office gave me an interview.
- I endorsed Barack Obama…for Governor of Illinois.
- I tried to find a polling place.
- Despite the stiff competition from Florida, Chicago showed that it could still screw up an election.
- I relived the thrills of rear wheel drive in winter.
- I explained how to pick a wife.
- Steven Spielberg and I had something in common.
- My wife and I bought a new car.
- I explained a crucial distinction in internet technology.
- I gave Ken Lammers a tag line.
- Playmobil released this charming toy.
- I explained why we shouldn’t ignore prisoners.
- I explained why I love economics.
- It was okay for some people to look at naked 13-year-old girls.
- Chicago launched its war on tiny little baggies.
- The game was the game.
- I explained what it means when the Governor of New York is “linked” to a prostitution ring.
- The FBI raided people for clicking on the wrong links.
- I explained how I’d been wrong about Iraq in a post that was itself kind of wrong about Iraq.
- I clarified my position on jury nullification.
- Senator Mike Gravel. Helter Skelter. It is what it is.
- All was not actually revealed. (If you click on only one link, make it this one.)
- I found out “Slit Skirts” wasn’t as cheerful as is it sounds.
- I tried to pump up my search rankings, but you all didn’t do your part.
- I told the truth about elevators.
- I explained to Kip why some people claim to like competition but hate the free market.
- Police pretending not to be police claimed that Sean Bell should have known they were police.
- I made all the pictures bigger.
- I discovered Photoshop Disasters.
- I planned to entertain the little people in my media empire.
- I rated the RAV4 at 5,000 miles.
- I partied with Radley Balko.
- I finally wrote about the most evil law of all.
- Kip explained about the gay whales.
- The Chicago defense bar woke up to the blogosphere.
- I finally tried cleaning my camera’s sensor.
- I felt people don’t suck.
- The Chicago police demonstrated their crimefighting skills.
- The El Camino police demonstrated their fabulous educational skills.
- I explained Gayvolution.
- I explained that not all sodomy is buttsex.
- People tried to convince me that it’s okay for the police to shoot babies.
- I discovered a very weird Trek mashup.
- I dabbled in video blogging. (If you click on a 1000 links, you can still skip this one.)
- A moron responded to my slam of the El Camino police.
- A typical libertarian ran for Senator in Kentucky.
- The Supreme Court gave gun owners a pat on the head and a scratch behind the ears.
- I reviewed a pretty good book about cross-examination.
- Radley Balko trashed my home town.
- I posted a driving video.
- I took pictures of fireworks.
- Norm split.
- A court misunderstood statistical sampling.
- I set myself up for a tragic movie disappointment.
- I did my third and so-far-final videoblog about the heartbreak of owning an SUV last summer.
- Barry Cooper released another DVD.
- Georgia State Troopers smelled good.
- I revealed my criminal past.
- I explained the personal pain that gay marriage has cost me.
- I looked into some of the math behind DNA matching.
- I took a few nice photos of Powers Lake, Wisconsin.
- I took a few nice photos of Jennifer.
- The Lima drug raid got uglier.
- and I explained why.
- Rob Gillies wrote one of the best news ledes ever.
- Cops got the right to break your stuff.
- The TSA continued their fine work.
- I set myself up for another tragic movie disappointment.
- A took the Maya Angelou personality test.
- Rob Nesvacil almost kinda sorta blamed right-wing pundits for an assination plot against Barack Obama.
- I said I’d do more healthcare blogging…and maybe I will someday.
- There was no rain.
- The interweb did what it does best.
- Richland County gave its cops some weapons of war.
- The USDA made it illegal to test for Mad Cow disease.
- My blog got a visit from a Hollywood producer.
- I had some questions about teen sex.
- Mark Bennett had some bad weather.
- I was awakend by a knock in the night.
- The State of California made a liar out of me.
- I asked the government for my share of the bailout.
- Knight Rider sucked.
- Clay Aiken made a shocking revelation.
- Joel Rosenberg cost me some money.
- PR6!
- I May Have Underestimated the Badness of Our Economy
- Once again, the government forces people to watch pornography.
- I come out in defense of prurient interests.
- Paul Krugman won a Nobel prize
- I had a vision of our economic future.
- I defended indecision.
- I retouched Sarah Palin.
- Rick and Brittany got married.
- I had the natural response to James Carville.
- I explained the link between legal blogging and science fiction.
- I proposed a new multi-author blog.
- We did something we can be proud of.
- Red State went crazy.
- I started my series on Obama Derangement Syndrome.
- I took on some help.
- We gave $700 billion to a guy that didn’t know what he was doing.
- I posted my three-part defense of prostitutes and their customers.
- Privacy theives invaded the D.C. subway.
- I explained why subway searches aren’t exactly a big win in the War On Terror.
- I lamented the rise of the prison industrial complex.
- I responded to some criticism of my prostitution posts.
- I explained my solution to the auto industry crisis.
- My out-of-town co-blogger tried to get me in trouble with the local police.
- Congress stole Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Busy blogging year for us both. Happy New Year!
Thanks, Kip.