I just noticed that Windypundit is up to Google PageRank 6!
Last time I hit PR 6, about a year and a half ago, it didn’t last very long. This time, I’m going to try to make it stick. I suppose the best way to do that is to publish high-quality, timely, and original content that attracts attention and starts discussions in the blogosphere. In fact, I’d like to think that’s what I’ve been doing all along.
But what if I’ve already gone as far as quality content can take me? What if, in order to go further (PR 7, where the cash really rolls in) I’ll have to do something more? Clearly some SEO tactics may be advisable. To that end, I’m going to pursue a multi-pronged strategy.
First, I’ve begun a program of small improvements. For example, I just took the menu at the top of the page and moved the code for it to the end of the page as sent from the server. When the page finishes loading, a bit of Javascript moves the menu to the top of the page. This shortens the apparent load time, makes the page easier for the visually impaired to navigate (because their page reader doesn’t have to skip all the menu links), and moves the blog content closer to the top of the file for better search engine indexing.
Second, blatant link whoring. (See title of this post.)
Third, in order to encourage you folks to post my stuff to sites like Digg or Reddit or Del.ico.us, you may notice that I’ve added a few social tags at the end of each blog entry. Like this:
Its interesting that you added the social tags. I have been able to cut back drastically on the number of emails that I send to people simply switching to a FaceBook account and posting articles attached to my profile. I also can post the articles within specific interests groups that would be interested as well.
So Im actually hitting a wider audience than I could with just sending regular emails. I think its a great idea Mark.
I also have noticed my behavior connected to a particular site is directly proportional to the site owners interaction with it. Those who seem to ALWAYS reply to comments, tend to get more of an active following. Effective use of questions, rather than overbearing opinions tends to open up the floor for comments as well.
Anyway….keep up the good work!
I’m not entirely sure what to make of the social networking sites. I have Facebook and MySpace pages that I visit with some regularity, but I never even heard of most of these.
(When I installed the plugin that does this, I turned on all of the tags just for the fun of it. I’ll turn most of them off in a few days.)
I used to not respond to comments very often, on the theory that if my comment was just reiterating what I said in the main post, there was no reason for it except a petty attempt to get in the last word. I realized, however, that this made it look like I wasn’t paying attention. So now I try to say something, even if I’m not really adding much.