I just checked Simple Justice and it looks like Scott Greenfield hasn’t posted anything new today. My God, I hope he’s alright. The silence over there is frightening. Somebody in New York please check on him.
Update: Stand down. Scott’s posting at last. The delay appears to have been caused because he was watching one of Ken Lammers’ lengthy CLTV sagas.
He’s fine. It was a minor injury.
When the Greensignal went off, he sprained an ankle while sliding down the Greenpole on the way to the Greencave; he managed to knock off the new thing during his convalescence.
Hard as it is to imagine, I only post when I have something I want to write about. Nothing moved me today until I saw Ken’s CLTV.
Well now that just makes it sound like you’re suffering from depression. Maybe you should seek help.