A few weeks ago, Stuart Shepard from Focus on the Family created this now-slightly-famous video in which he suggested that Christians should pray for rain during Barack Obama’s acceptance speech:
Well, Obama gave his speech, and it didn’t rain.
The problem with such a public and specific prayer request is that if nothing happens, Shepard’s got some awkward explaining to do. I mean, doesn’t one of the following five statements have to be true?
- God doesn’t exist.
- God can’t make it rain.
- God doesn’t respond to prayer.
- God likes Obama more than he likes Focus on the Family.
- God thinks Stuart Shepard is a jerk.
(Hat tip: Kip)
If you liked “Pray for Rain”, you’ll love the parody video at YouTube: Pray for Diarrhea
I think I’ll pass on that, but it sounds like a pretty good gag.
What a maroon! Like rain would stop him from accepting the nomination? Rain would cause him to lose the election? He should pray for some brains!
So I guess IF there is a god, he’s got a great sense of (twisted) humor – he failed to rain on Obama’s parade, but he’s raining out the republican’s party by way of New Orleans… what a kidder!!
Hmm. Interesting thought.