Some of you who’ve tried to leave comments have probably noticed that it doesn’t work very well. The Captcha codes—those annoying strange characters you have to type—just aren’t working right. This is a bizarre and frustrating bit of misbehavior out of the Movable Type blogging engine. So much of it normally works so well.
I’ve disabled Captcha codes for now, and I’m trying a different approach to avoiding spam.
So leave a comment, and we’ll see how well it works.
I’m about to hit ‘submit’.
(If you see this – then it was easy, and worked perfectly.)
This is actually great idea ;)
I would have nothing against captcha – in most cases it is not really a burden – but on some pages it just dont work (browser/bloked script, page or ip) and you end up writing it over and over for 0,5 hour – asking yourself how this is possible (or am I really so stupid) and then you start looking in google for “ captha problem” and it is all there.
Your browser – block some marketing web page – which happen to be REALLY necessary for this to work (and funny part is that it wont say something is not working – it say your codes are wrong instead)