I’m not a violent person by nature, and I don’t think anyone deserves to sexually molested—not on the job, not on a date, not in prison—but at 3:00 am, after a long day, I think I’d get a good chuckle out of it if someone raped these guys in the ass!
I’ll probably feel bad about writing this in the morning.
Update: Yeah, not my proudest moment. I just ran across this latest travesty by Fred “God Hates Fags” Phelps and thought, “Damn, I wish something bad would happen to these people to teach them a lesson! What’s the worst thing that could happen to a bunch of homophobic assholes?”
And then it hit me.
Sigh. I know that most of what Phelps’ people are doing is free speech, and if they wants to propound a hateful ideology, that’s their right. I also know that in the universe of all possible crimes, disrupting a funeral isn’t a very big one. It’s incredibly crass and hateful, but it’s not like they’re actually injuring anyone.
Nevertheless, for some reason Phelp’s protests at military funerals—and now the funerals of several women killed in a nearby shooting—just send me over the edge.
I think it’s the combination of their vicious hatred, and their total inability to do anything to effectively advance their cause. It’s bad enough they do that crap, but somehow it seems even worse that they’re doing it for no reason.
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