Go read this first-hand account of Icelandic citizen Eva Ósk Arnardóttir’s visit to the United States. Because she overstayed her visa by three weeks in 1995, she was refused admittance, meaning she had wasted the cost of her flight.
Then she was detained, photographed, fingerprinted, questioned, searched, refused access to someone from her nation’s embassy, handcuffed, led through the airport by armed men, and jailed.
I guess this is part of our attempt to keep out undesirable foreigners.
But when I hear about things like this, it’s not the Eva Ósk Arnardóttirs of the world who bother me, it’s the folks at Homeland Security who did this to her that make me the most angry. I am ashamed they are my countrymen.
So when it comes to the half-million or so people who enter this country illegally every year, I say “Welcome.” As long as we have these Homeland Security thugs (and others like them) in our country, your presence can only improve the average quality of the American people.
(Hat tip: Simple Justice.)
Thanks for the link Mark, but don’t forget about giving credit to David Tarrell at In The Moment, as it’s his piece.
Well, he got it from Digby at Hullabaloo who got it from Best of the Web who got it from the young lady’s original first-person account, so there’s a lot of credit to go around.