A few days ago Kip Esquire posted a terrific article about the likely responses to the Virginia Tech massacre from our politicians, and the dangers we face from that.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t? Sounds like job for — politicians!
Seriously, think back to September 11. The first knee-jerk reactions were “Never again!” and “We must do everything possible to prevent this!” You don’t want another 9/11, do you?
The result was the Patriot Act — and much more — which eventually morphed into the current “Terror v. Civil Liberties” morass we now find ourselves in. To the Bush Administration and its apologists, no cost to privacy is too high, no restriction on liberty too extreme. You don’t want another 9/11, do you?
Meanwhile, it is almost certain that, before long, calls of “Never again!” and “We must do everything possible to prevent this!” will bellow from the halls of Congress. You don’t want another Blacksburg, do you?
Read the whole thing.
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