Larger ImagePesche's Flowers at Christmas |
This is Pesche’s Flowers, one of the many businesses in Des Plaines, Illinois, that the city claims is “blighted” so they can abuse their eminent domain power to replace it with something they like better.
The city’s materials justifying the TIF show some of the worst views of some of the uglier properties, so I thought I’d break with my usual documentary style to show you one of the prettier views in the TIF.
(Unfortunately, even on Christmas Eve, the parking lot lights were set to come on at sunset. It would have been a nicer image without them.)
Good God! I know a couple of member of the Pesche family. They’ve been doing business in Des Plaines for years. They advertise on WBBM which brings people to Des Plaines.
You were two blocks from my house and you didn’t call or stop by??? Shame, shame, shame!