Philipp Lenssen has finally released his book 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google which he describes as “A cabinet of search engine curiosities, riddles, games, and a little bit of usefulness.”
Philipp is the author of the Google Blogoscoped blog, which is consistently one of the most interesting technical sites on the web. It’s more than just news about Google services and Google the company—although there’s plenty of that—it’s also about interesting things to do with Google.
If you’re interested in search engines and what you can do with them, Philipp’s blog is worth checking out, as is his book. Philipp Lenssen has an inquisitive mind, and he spends a lot of time finding interesting ways to use Google and similar technologies. Then he tells us about them. He’s kind of a Mr. Wizard for the search-engine set.
Disclaimer: Philipp sent me an advanced copy of this book a couple of months ago and at his request I suggested a few changes, so I have a small ego investment in this book, and I hope he sells a lot of copies.
Added to the reviews on Lulu:
By the way the final version incorporated a lot of your suggestions!