Ogre repeats an old Marine joke which I’m just a little too smart to enjoy anymore:
A Sailor is relieving himself in the head when a Marine walks in and steps up to the urinal beside him.
After a few seconds the Sailor finishes, shakes, zips and walks over to the sink to wash his hands. The Marine also finishes, zips-up, and walks to the door.
Just then the Sailor says, “Hey Marine! When I was in boot camp, they taught us to wash our hands when we finished!”
The Marine looks at the Sailor and says, “When I was in boot camp, they told me not to piss on my hands.”
That’s a good joke, but I wonder if I’m the only one who wants to yell at the Marine, “Good! But did you touch your dick?“
That’s because somewhere along the way I’ve learned that you don’t wash your hands because pee is dirty. In fact, urine is normally sterile. The reason you should wash your hands is because your crotch is dirty.
So the Marine in the joke is acting under a false assumption and is, in fact, behaving in an unsanitary manner.
Does this bother anybody else? Or is it just me? Everybody else just laughs at the joke, don’t they? It’s just me, isn’t it? I hate when that happens.
That’s why I sit to pee. Since college I haven’t been able to stand the thought of standing up.
This is somewhat like the joke I mentioned here :-)