I don’t want to get too involved in blogospheric self-reference, but I want to thank everybody who’s visited Windypundit in the last few months, and I especially want to thank Philipp Lenssen at Google Blogoscoped for sending me an enormous amount of traffic.
I started Windypundit in July of 2002. I didn’t work at it too seriously, and I let it go for a while, but then I started posting regularly again at the end of last year.
In April, after almost 3 years in existence, Windypundit had its thousandth visit. They were starting to come faster too, so I figured the 2000th visit would take a lot less than three years. I had no idea what was coming.
When Google sent me the link to the Google Earth Beta, I tried it and I thought it was pretty cool, so I grabbed some screenshots and posted an article.
Then I checked Lenssen’s site and noticed he didn’t have anything about it. So I sent him an email. I thought he might be interested, and I thought the information and screen shots might get me a few visitors.
Several hundred people arrived on each of the next few days. Then, as near as I can tell, addict3d picked it up. And then mighty Slashdot picked it up.
Nine thousand people dropped by that day. Another five thousand have dropped by since then. Unbelievable.
This is all about one post, so I expect it to die down pretty fast. Only about 1000 visits so far today. I’m no longer feeling the love.
Actually, I’m kind of relieved. I had contacted 2MHost to find out what to do if I ran out of bandwidth, just in case this continued. (God forbid I get Instalaunched!) They said they’d take care of me.
So thanks, Philipp, for the original link; thanks A^C^E for the addict3 post, thanks Zonk at Slashdot, and thanks to all my readers, old and new, for visiting.
Now let’s see if I can scare up some actual content…
Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful