Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau should be celebrating their wedding night by now.
I think the whole situation is a bit disturbing. After all, they first had sex when he was in sixth grade and she was his teacher. She went to prison for that. I think they’re both a bit crazy.
My opinion doesn’t matter, however, nor should it: Now that they’re both adults they can do whatever they want. Apparently the State of Washington agrees with me, because even though she is convicted of raping him, nothing in the law prevents them from getting married.
Now can someone please explain to me how a same-sex marriage would destroy the sanctity of marriage when a rapist marrying the victim does not?
Usually when one is RAPED, one does not want to have anything to do with the rapist — nor do they love that rapist. To Vili, Mary Kay is not a rapist–she is the mother of his two beautiful daughters. I think what matters is how Vili and Mary Kay feel. And true, your opinion does not matter, nor does anyone else’s out there who have no life and cannot keep from commenting on other’s lives. Same sex marriage should be of no consequence to any one else as well.